
Qüestions freqüents

How can an assessment model be designed based on the EHEA parameters?

The definition of an assessment model that provides multiple learning indicators for the student throughout the process, in addition to the final assessment:

  • Various assessment points, continuous orientation of assessment.
  • Educational orientation of the assessment: indicators for the teacher and student that the learning is being achieved, and should enable a change in the focus on the shortcomings and difficulties that may arise during the process. 
  • A variety of tools to assess different types of learning (competences).
Before Bologna 
(design in the xxxx academic year)
Bologna Model Design

Example 1
Final examination 100% of the grade

Example 2
Final examination 80% of the grade
Practical sessions 10%
Work 10%

Initial assessment (informational value to the student) - what they know and how they know it
Continuous assessment (more than 50% of the grade)
Formative evaluation (tutoring of the learning process)
Final assessment (less than 50% of the grade)