
Cercador: definicions, indicadors i exemples

  • Definició
  • Indicadors
  • Exemples



A competence is the learned ability to perform a task, duty or complex role correctly. A high level of competence is a prerequisite for correct execution. It has two distinct components: it is related to specific work in a specific context, and includes various types of knowledge, skills and attitudes. A distinction needs to be made between competences and personality traits, which are more stable individual characteristics. In education, the underlying philosophy is that they are learned through the learning-by-doing process and unlike knowledge, skills and attitudes, they cannot be assessed independently. (Roe, 2002).

A combination of technical, methodological, social and participatory knowledge updated in a particular situation and point in time. Competences are deemed to be those related to the academic field of the studies programme and cross-disciplinary competences, which can be applied to various fields. (AQU, 2003) 

Classification of competences:

  • General (cross-disciplinary or generic), which are common to most qualifications, but which have a different contextualized impact in each one. Some categorizations (Tuning:
    • Instrumental competences 
    • Interpersonal competences 
    • Systemic competences 
  • Specific: competences of a qualification, academic and/or professional field, aimed at achieving a specific graduate or postgraduate profile. These include: 
    • The disciplinary knowledge: the body of knowledge, concepts and theories, as well as the cognitive skills needed to manage these (analytical thought, skills of inquiry, etc.). 
    • Know-how or procedural and methodological skills:  knowledge related to the techniques, methodologies, and working procedures or expertise and the cognitive skills of the reflective professional (problem-solving, inductive reasoning, reflexive action, etc.).