
Qüestions freqüents

How many European credits (ECTS) does the subject have?

To find out the number of ECTS credits for the subject:

You can consult the Syllabus of each qualification by accessing the Campus Global (Direct Access/Faculties...). In most cases the Syllabus shows the value of the subjects in both the credit system in force and its ECTS equivalent.

Term Subject Types Credits/ECTS* Brief description of contents

If the Syllabus does not show the appropriate ECTS credits, a rough idea can be obtained by calculating the proportion between the maximum number of credits for registration in the pre-Bologna system (75 credits) and the Bologna System (60).

For example,

How many ECTS credits are assigned to a subject that had 6 credits in the pre-Bologna system?

  • there are 6 credits out of a possible 75 credits for registration (maximum)
  • out of a maximum of 60 ECTS credits, it would have 4.8