
Qüestions freqüents

How is the time allocated to assessment calculated in ECTS terms?

It should be noted that for the student, assessment - in both quantitative and qualitative terms - means (or should mean) preparation time and in some cases time spent in the classroom, so a distinction should be made between:

  • individual work outside the classroom
  • classroom activity

When calculating the time spent on assessment, it should be related to the number of sessions which the student must attend, in order to:

  • identify which of these sessions are closely related to the assessment,
  • differentiate the time devoted to assessment and effective learning time 

An example (with no real value):

Time spent (weekly) Time spent in the classroom Preparation time outside the classroom
Week 1 Initial assessment: 1 hour
Continuing assessment: 0
Self-assessment: 30’
Optional (without calculation)
2 hours (reading of article)
Optional (without calculation)
Week 2 Dummy text Dummy text
Week 3 Dummy text Dummy text
Week 11 Dummy text Dummy text
Week 12 Final assessment: 2 hours Exam preparation: 10h
Total ECTS hours: X
% allocated to assessment: X
Total hours: 
X hours
Total hours: 
X hours